четверг, 5 января 2017 г.

How to burn a Windows .iso to a USB device?

UNetbootin should work: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
Or you could try a bit-by-bit copy:
  1. Insert the USB device and then open Disk Utility (in 10.10 and older, System -> Administration -> Disk Utility).
  2. Select the USB device from the list in the left of the program and detect where it was mounted: /dev/sd[1 letter][optionally 1 number]. For example, /dev/sdc or /dev/sdc1.
  3. Make sure the USB device is unmounted (not safely removed, but unmounted) If it is mounted you can unmount it:
    sudo umount /dev/sd[1 letter][optionally 1 number]
  4. Assuming the .iso file is in your home folder, open the terminal and write:
    sudo dd bs=4M if=[ur .iso] of=/dev/sd[that 1 letter]
    sudo dd bs=4M if=windows7.iso of=/dev/sdc
And wait for it to finish. (The "bs=4M" - bit is optional, just makes it faster.)
моёsudo dd bs=4M if=win10.iso of=/dev/sdb