среда, 23 июля 2014 г.

Bitcasa cloud storage

Bitcasa is a cloud storage service, gives you 10GB for free, and can be 20GB. if you want more it is cheaper compared to the opther cloud storage. you need to sign up on their site, then to sync with your Linux Mint, do the folloiwng:

1- on terminal:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dist.bitcasa.com/release/apt debian main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitcasa-release.list'


wget -O- http://dist.bitcasa.com/release/bitcasa-releases.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

…................Capital O..................after the wget -

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install bitcasa

5- now create a folder to sync your bitcasa to, like /home/user/Bitcasa where user is your name


sudo mount -tbitcasa
sudo mount -tbitcasa john@gmail.com /home/john/Bitcasa
will ask for password, it is the bitcasa account password.

7- to make it mount on boot, need to change fstab

open /etc/fstab for editing, anyway you like, it needs super previliges to open it, I find the easiest is to install gksu and gedit, if you don't have them already:

sudo apt-get install gedit

sudo apt-get install gksu

sudo apt-get update

then to edit /etc/fstab:

gksu gedit /ect/fstab

now add the folloiwng line to fstab:

<bitacasa ccount email> <bitcasa folder path> bitcasa _netdev,password=passwordhere 0 0

with at least two spaces between entries like:

john@gmail.com /home/john/Bitcasa bitcasa _netdev,password=johnspassword 0 0


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